Mother Ghoul's Halloween

Susan Lendroth

Image of Susan Lendroth

Susan Lendroth

Susan Lendroth's poem, "Mother Ghoul's Halloween," is in Short Circuit #03, Short Édition's quarterly review. Susan writes for both adults and children, including a number of picture books. She loves history, mystery and science, and is sometimes overtaken by rhyme even when she tries to escape!

When witches walk
and goblins stalk
and all the ghosts convene,
then please draw near
so you can hear
new rhymes for Halloween!

Little Miss Muffet
sat on a tuffet
eating her curds and whey,
when along came a spider
who bundled and tied her
and carried Miss Muffet away.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake
baker wild,
make some cakes
for this scary child.
Roll them and pat them and
mark them with a "Z,"
then put them in the oven
for Zombie and me.

Little Blue Ghoul
come blow your horn;
we're bobbing for apples
and popping the corn.
Where is the ghoul
who so loves to creep?
He crawls under your bed
when you're fast asleep.

Hickory dickery dock,
a mouse destroyed our clock!
He ate the hands,
then crunched the stand
and left us in mild shock.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
his wife could eat no lean,
and so between the two of them
they picked their platter clean.

They emptied out their cupboards,
they emptied out their drawers,
they emptied out their fridge,
and then moved out of doors.

They grabbed a goblin's candy,
they ate a mummy's sweet,
so lock your doors and windows
when Jack yells, "Trick-or-treat!"

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